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Typography: The art and technique of arranging type (fonts) to make written language legible, readable and appealing when displayed.  The arrangement of type involves selecting typefaces, point sizes, line lengths, line-spacings and letter-spacing, and adjusting the space between pair of letters. 


For my Kew Gardens poster, I want to make it eye catching, easy to read and bold, to make other people interested in it. 

Kew Gardens - Geotica Four Open

Kew Gardens - Reklame Script 

Kew Gardens - Monoton

Kew Gardens - Sacramento

Kew Gardens - Braggadocio

Kew Gardens - Amatic SC

Kew Gardens - Open Sans Condensed

Kew Gardens - Cookie

Kew Gardens - Bodoni Poster 

Kew Gardens - Soho Condensed

My own fonts using Photoshop

I think the best font for a poster would be the tree one because it has a lot of detail from the bark on the wood which makes it easily recognisable and it has come ut successful. However, in the tree font I would change the position of the letters because it is only one colour, it would look better with more colours. I also like the purple flower one because it has a good contrast between the purple and the green. 

How to make your own font on Photoshop

  1. Firstly, you need to open your chosen photo on Photoshop and make a text layer and write in your chosen text.

  2. Next, you need to right click in the picture layer to unlock it then place it above the text layer. 

  3. Then, you need to create the picture into a clipping mask by pressing on 'create clipping mask' then the picture will appear behind the text.

  4. Finally, save the picture as a JPEG file and use it where ever you like. 

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