Heidi Cockram
Soft Lighting
Hard Lighting

Soft Light (Gentle): Gives a low contrast and colour saturation.
Hard Light (Harsh): Gives a high contrast and saturation.
My intentions for my photoshoot were to capture light and shadow in my pictures, by using hard and soft light. In my soft and hard pictures there is a distinct difference between them. To improve the soft lighting pictures I could try to capture the shadows in them more.
Light and Shadow
Natural Lighting

This time, we used levels and curves on Photoshop to edit our photos. To adjust my photos, I added more light to enhance the shadow in the pictures. This made the shadows stand out more by making them darker
Natural Lighting Homework

Within my natural lighting homework photoshoot, I captured angles which used the sun, for example. This created interesting paterns in the shadows which made them look more appealing. However, when taking some of the pictures the lighting would make the pictures become blurred.

Natural Lighting Adjustments
In my edits, I tried to make the a bigger difference between the light and dark, this made it look more brighter. I chose these photos to edit because they have interesting gradients between light and dark (the grass has a slow gradient whereas the street light has a quick gradient).